Purple Fluorite

Purple Fluorite For Sale
Purple Fluorite is a true classic and a must in any Fluorite aficionados collection. The Purple Fluorite for sale at Majestic Quartz has your best interests at heart and is always of the highest quality. Color range for this spectacular mineral is vast! The shades can go from very pale light pinky/purple right through to deep rich near black purple and every shade in between! We stock Purple Fluorite for sale from several locations around the World. Principally these locations are China, Mongolia and The United States. On occasion get specimens from the UK as well. Our large inventory includes Purple Fluorite Clusters, Octahedrons and carved and superbly crafted polished eggs, spheres, points, free forms and wands. Would you like to learn about Purple Fluorites metaphysical properties? Please feel free to visit our sister site Crystal Information. To view the healing properties specifically about Purple Fluorite, please click HERE.

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Purple Fluorite