Ordering FAQ

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As a general rule we do not give discounts as we already sell the crystals at the lowest price possible. While at first glance we may not look like the cheapest crystal dealer on the internet, we hand select every item we sell. Thus the quality is always well above average. In short it is unrealistic for us to sell champagne and budget beer prices!! In addition, we do not believe in over inflating the prices just so we can give discounts to those that ask. We also do not place premium prices on new finds, then drastically reduce the price a few weeks later!

No, they are not sorry – we wish! Every website crystal photographers job is to photograph the crystal as closely as possible to capture every detail. So as a rule we make sure the crystal fills the whole photo, no matter the size of it. We specify the size of each crystal in both metric and imperial sizes in the first tab labeled “Dimensions” found underneath the crystals photos. We highly recommend you have a ruler or tape measure to get a feel for how big a crystal actually is in real life.

Each countries tax and customs laws are different, some countries do charge taxes and some do not. For instance, the USA does not, Canada and the UK do. We advise you either go to your countries customs website, or give them a call to be sure. E-mail us regarding any special requests you may have in this area.

We can accept Master Card, Visa and Amex Credit Cards online currently via a paypal system that does not require you to actually have a paypal account.

Through our “Pay Via Debit/Credit Card” Option we can accept Visa and Mastercard only.

Yes we do.

You may phone in your details (+64 2102741194). We will always have a pen and paper nearby for a short efficient call. For orders over $30 USD we will call you at a time you prescribe. Just let us know the phone number country and state you live in with a time to call (your time zone).

A sold sign will only be placed on a crystal once the checkout process has been completed. Shoppers need to be aware that other people could have the same crystal in their cart, and whoever completes the checkout process first will secure the crystal. This is not something we have set – it is how the shopping cart software works by default sorry.

Yes! You can still order crystals using E-mail (at majestic@majestic-quartz.com), just be sure to quote the crystal SKU code found under “Add to Cart” button. We cannot guarantee you will get the crystal you request as others may buy it using the shopping cart system before we have a chance to read your E-mail. We will notify and confirm your order, via reply E-mail.

NO! We do not send substitutes of crystals you may have missed. Also, just for your peace of mind – our system prohibits double orders of the same crystal.

We do have a wholesale arm as well, it is called Majestic Crystal Wholesale. We do not have everything that is available on our retail site due to the uniqueness that natural crystals can have. However, we do have a lot of items over at our wholesale operation that is not available on this retail website! Apply for an application to our Wholesale site by CLICKING HERE.

If you have to different people wanting to order using the same computer, once the first person has finished, they need to click on the “Log Off” link. The second person will then be able to purchase crystals using their own user id and password.

Do you live in or are going to be visiting New Zealand? Ring Anthony on 021 027-41194 (calling from overseas? Dial +64-21-027-41194) to make an appointment!

Quartz Crystals Available

Mineral Specimens Available

Cut & Polished Crystals Available

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