Choosing Crystals From this Website


Buying over the net Vs buying from gem and mineral shows or rock/crystal shops

Buying from the shows or shops gives you the advantage of being able to feel and see the 3 dimensional aspects of the crystal. You may also ask and receive an answer to a question put to a dealer in real time, though now with our online live text chat, you could well get an answer from us in real time too! Traditionally, for many us, prior to the Internet, we only got a chance to obtain crystals a few times a year when the gem and rock shows are on or from small retail shops with limited stock items.

Now we have this wonderful medium called the Internet. You can now buy crystals 24/7 from the comfort of your own home, what’s more you have a far wider range of crystals to choose from. While waiting a few days to receive your crystal via post may seem like a long time. In comparison to the pre-Internet ways, it is near instant gratification! Getting quality Quartz was once a high effort chore, now it is a pleasure, as we have already done the hard work for you by gathering world class crystals in one place so you have them delivered to your doorstep via your computer. The old adage that a crystal will find you has a extra avenue to find you.

Viewing the crystal Sections

When viewing the crystals, make yourself comfortable, have some of your favorite relaxing music playing in the background. Creating a comfortable atmosphere around yourself and your computer will help relax you, enabling a more Intimate connection with the crystals on display.

If the number of sections we have is initially confusing or if you are unsure where to find a crystal you are looking for, then please click here to visit our Sections explained page.

Browse the crystal categories page 1st, should any crystal catch your eye, click on it to see the larger and more detailed photos with description. Write down the code of that crystal, or even bookmark that crystal page for future reference, then continue browsing the other category pages.

Review, Review, Review

Once you have viewed the sections you are interested in, revisit/review the crystals you had short listed If possible, examine the crystals in more detail, try looking at the crystals in a different order to which you had 1st viewed them.

It is of course important to make sure the crystal/s are within your budget.

Select the crystals which seem to communicate with you most. Crystals communicate to you in many ways, such as giving you a emotional feeling, some crystals seem to stand out more, almost 3D like. Some may twinkle or illuminate themselves in some other way. Others may even glow or make the screen seem to shimmer. Crystals may also come to you in your thoughts or dreams. They communicate in many other ways not mentioned here.

Having a relaxed and open mind helps greatly in making your choices.

Ask us a question?

Should you wish to ask any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us using the email address, quote the crystal code in the subject field. We will reply in a timely fashion with a no hype straight forward reply. Majestic Quartz has a number of experts in their respective crystal lightworking fields who are only to happy to help you with your queries.

Quartz Crystals Available

Mineral Specimens Available

Cut & Polished Crystals Available

Crystal Jewelry Available