Super Seven Crystals

Super Seven Crystals For Sale!
These amazing crystals are reputed to have seven different minerals inside them. The minerals are Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Smokey Quartz, Rutile, Cacoxenite, Geothite and Lepidocrocite. A little known fact is this crystal has long been mined out at the original site they were found. However, the good news is that the mine/s literally just a stones throw away are producing superb specimens! It is these crystals that Majestic Quartz predominantly supplies. Realistically even the original Super Seven Crystals would to have needed to be individually analyzed (being damaged/crushed in the process) to truly know what minerals lay within. These are multi-talanted healing crystals indeed. Having so many energies synergisticly working together – produces powerful healing forces indeed! They are outwardly quite dense/dark crystals. However, once a light is shone through them, the beautiful colors and inclusions are then reveled! Each crystal makes for a very powerful elixir piece.

Super Seven Crystals
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