Epidote Quartz For Sale!
Here at Majestic Quartz, we strive to bring you the very best in Epidote Quartz for sale! Epidote is usually green in color and resembles Green Tourmaline. For the most part, these crystals are usually have a crusty white calcite type of mineral covering them. However, just once in a while, a clean specimen will be found. Therefore, these are the exact crystals we search for to be able to offer Epidote Quartz for sale to you the customer! We usually source our specimens from Madagascar, and Brazil. Just recently the very best specimens we have seen have come out of Minas Gerais, Brzil. We are very proud to be able to offer these Epidote Quartz crystals below. Epidote is said to be an enhancer of energy, be that ones personal energy, or even other crystals energy. Thus it is significant that Epidote itself has formed in Quartz which then amplifies the amplifier! For information regarding further healing properties, please visit our sister sites Crystal Healing Properties information page at crystal-information.com