Further Colombian Green Fuchsite Quartz Clusters Information

Previously, the only Green Fuchsite and Quartz was found in Ihovitra, Itremo, Madagascar. This new variety from Santander, Colombia – has incredible form, luster, and clarity! The Fuchsite is of an incredible color and quality! Some has even taken muscovite mica form – yes in Fuchsite Green! Both the Quartz and Fuchite sparkles at every angle – incredible! Many of the crystal points on these clusters have Lemurian Seed Striations!

These clusters have a very bright uplifting energy that brings warmth and healing to the heart. This combination brings harmony and joy, while also clearing the consciousness to let through what is truly important in the given moment. Some of the energies and properties one can expect are….

    • Brings the emotional and physical body into balance.
    • Lemurian Seed energy.
    • Helps one access the Akashic records, increases clairvoyance and psychic abilities.
    • Rejuvenates and tops up energy levels.
    • Conduit between the devic and human realms.
    • Raised consciousness.
    • Elixir magic!