Polished Clear Quartz Rose Carving W/ Silver Stem

This specimen is Clear Quartz and it has been polished and carved into a Rose! Fitted with Silver fittings forming the roses stem! White and Black background photos have been included to show dimension and color.

Polished Rose Quartz Rose Carving W/ Silver Stem

This specimen is Rose Quartz and has been polished and carved into a Rose! Fitted with Silver fittings forming the roses stem! White and Black background photos have been included to show dimension and color.

Polished Rose Quartz Carved Ankh

This specimen is Rose Quartz carved and polished into an Ankh. This Ankh has beautiful gem like quality! White background photo has been included to help better gauge the color and shape while providing more clarity of the carvings.

Polished Rose Quartz Carved Ankh

This specimen is Rose Quartz carved and polished into an Ankh. This Ankh has beautiful gem like quality! White background photo has been included to help better gauge the color and shape while providing more clarity of the carvings.