Rare Red Hematite Included Etched Ancient Knowledge Quartz Cluster

USD $116.00

SKU: Q4050

This cluster has outstanding form and definition. It has Red Hematite Inclusions. At first glance one could be mistaken for thinking some of the crystal points have broken and been glued back – This is NOT the case! These crystals have been through an earthquake, and then self healed themselves! The etching is incredibly detailed with a lot of ancient knowledge crammed in! Much of this cluster is very clear inside under the etching! This special family is from the famous Jinlong Mine, Guangdong Province, China! Here is the kicker, our suppliers grandfather mined these crystals more than 27 years ago and they were put in a warehouse until just a while ago. Rare, unique and very, very special. This specimen stands as shown in photo 1 and is in excellent condition.

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Weight – 13.25 oz’s – 376 gm’s

Dimensions – 4.61″ x 3.78″ long/wide (11.7 x 9.6 cm’s)

Country of Origin – Jinlong Mine, Guangdong Province, China

Quartz Cluster

For what and How Does One Use it?

These crystals have all the properties of Quartz. In addition, being in cluster form enables the crystal points’ combined energy to spread out, benefiting entire rooms. In the case of very large Quartz Clusters, whole houses and neighborhoods will benefit!

You may place other crystals carefully on clusters to charge them.

Quartz Clusters attract and enable you to use more life force energy. Have it around you, on you, or in elixir form, in you!

Quartz Clusters seek to bring balance on all our body levels.

Quartz has the ability to receive, store and send energy, which makes it a powerful manifestation tool. Hold/gaze into the crystal, and put your thought/need (what you wish to manifest) into it. The Quartz Cluster receives the thought (and the feeling behind the thought), then stores and transmits those thoughts and feelings into the ethers. Thus, even while you’re not thinking about that particular manifestation, the Quartz Cluster is still working on your behalf, putting out your thought forms.

This process has the effect of drawing your manifestation towards you at a much greater rate than before. They are Power tools, and you have to love ’em!

Many refer to this process as programming. Many books state that a crystal can hold only one program, but scientists have found a way to store terabytes of data into a single bubble that makes up the mist you see in the Quartz. My feeling is that Quartz crystals can in fact hold and run more programs than we could give in our lifetime!

Quartz is one of the most flexible crystal tools around. It is very responsive to our intent. What you intend is what you get! It is also one of the most powerful tools and should be treated as such.

Read more regarding Quartz Cluster Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….


Clear Quartz

For what and How Does One Use it?

Clear Quartz seeks to find balance wherever it is used. It has the ability to receive, store and transmit many different types of energy, including thought forms.

Clear Quartz enhances life force energy and makes it available for us to use in our everyday lives. It is the great harmonizer! Clear Quartz is a fantastic crystal to use for clearing blockages and is one of the easiest crystals with which to direct your conscious intent.

It works well with most other crystals and in a lot of cases will amplify the other mineral/crystal properties.

Clear Quartz has countless uses! With this in mind, a good idea is to meditate with one. Using your intuition and information gained from meditation will help you to zero in on that particular crystal’s best use for that particular time.

Read more regarding Clear Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….


Etched Quartz

For what and How Does One Use it?

Etched crystals are fascinating and powerful beings! The etching generally indicates the crystal is jam packed full of information. There are many ways to access this wisdom – though the primary way is to use the etching itself. To do this, get comfortable and hold the crystal in your hands – view the etching as a kind of braille language. Clear your mind, and let your hands gently caress the etching on the crystal as if reading braille. Sometimes your hands appear to take on a life of their own, seemingly moving at random – take this as a sign that you are indeed interacting with and “reading” the crystal. Do not be disillusioned if this process does not occur for you, as you may very well be receiving the information at a subconscious level – for later retrieval by your intuition. Another way to access this information is to simply gaze at/into the etching of the quartz crystal. If your eyes start to drift out of focus, this is a good indication you are interfacing with the crystal and it is passing wisdom across to you.

As mentioned above – etching can occur in many different varieties of Quartz. Etching is a good indication that the particular crystal in question is an ancient and knowledgeable being. As with any elder generation, respect and honor goes along way to the wisdom these light beings are willing to share.

It would be fair to say Elestial crystals are the royalty of the Etched Quartz families. Due to their often skeletal layers, these crystals display a breathtaking array of etching. Many Elestial crystals have a different style of etching/language on every side and termination face!

Read more regarding Etched Quartz Crystal Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….


Self Healed Quartz

For what and How Does One Use it?

As the name would suggest, Self Healed Quartz Crystals assist us in the art of self healing! Meditate with one and the crystal will share the journey it took to healing itself, and will share this information with you on spiritual, emotional and physical cellular/crystalline levels. This shared knowledge and experience brings about vastly accelerated levels of healing and regeneration within the self.

I have used two Self Healed Quartz Laser Wands (See the last two high resolution photos) with many clients while they are having crystal body layouts. They are just about default crystals! I have the client hold one in each hand throughout the session. They greatly assist the healing process. In many cases they help balance and direct the other layout crystals energies – optimizing the entire layout experience.

Using Self Healed Quartz Crystals in elixir form absolutely turbo charges the entire healing process!

Read more Regarding Self Healed Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….



For what and How Does One Use it?

Hematite is a supreme weapon against unionized radiation. It is recommended that one wears it in disk or pendant form against the skin when working on or around computers and such. It saturates one’s aura with an energy that repels radiation. You will find you have much more energy as a result.

Hematite helps to ground and keep your feet firmly on the ground. It cleanses blood and is good for keeping focused on difficult tasks.

As an elixir it does the above, but more so. It is highly recommended for treating blood disorders.

Read more regarding Hematite Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….
