Weight – 37.778 oz’s – 1.071 kg’s
Dimensions – 7.513″ x 2.859″ tall/wide ( 19.083 x 7.264 cm’s)
Country of Origin – Zambia
USD $148.00
SKU: P5485
This Specimen is a Natural Citrine Crystal. With a tantric twin formation this piece has been carved on the bottom to stand straight and given a high polish. You get all the ranges of Citrine within one crystal! From the crystal clear light Citrine, to the deep golden color in the center. Citrine is a fantastic stone for moving forward, with it said being bale to help with luck, positivity, mental clarity and more!!
In stock
Weight – 37.778 oz’s – 1.071 kg’s
Dimensions – 7.513″ x 2.859″ tall/wide ( 19.083 x 7.264 cm’s)
Country of Origin – Zambia
Citrine is a beautiful vibrant energy. It is one of the best anti-depressant crystals available! One way to use it for treating depression is to place it on the solar plexus, and visualize yourself breathing the gold color into your body. Feel the golden energy fill your body with joy and happiness. Visualize your body glowing with warmth and emanating golden light like the rays bursting forth from the dawning sun.
Citrine Elestial Quartz Crystals have a strong focus on detoxifying the body. The vibration operates at a level that literally shakes the toxicity loose from the major organs such as the liver, kidneys, and lungs. Place a Citrine Elestial on your body and relax, breathe in deeply and smoothly. Do your best to empty your mind of mental clatter. Perform this routine for as long as feels comfortable. Make sure you drink plenty of water over the next three days as the toxicity will be flushed out into your bloodstream, and the water will help you remove it from your system entirely.
Citrine Quartz is also a popular crystal for manifestation. The golden ray naturally attracts abundance in many forms. Be open-ended as possible within your manifesting processes in order to allow the Universe to provide your needs in possibly the most unexpected ways!
How to identify Natural vs Irradiated Citrine
Irradiated crystals are ones that have been heated to alter their color. A classic example is that most Citrine is in fact a variety of Amethyst that when heated to a high temperature turns to a bright gold color.
It is easy to spot, as it has a reddish tinge to it. Bright Gold Citrine is VERY rare in nature.
Read more regarding Citrine Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….
Phantom Quartz crystals are all about growth and moving on, moving past blockages.
On a physical level, these crystals are created when another substance other than quartz washes over the crystal, leaving a layer on the termination during the crystal’s natural growth cycle. The crystal continues to grow, leaving an image of itself where it was at the time the substance washed over it. Phantoms can be made up of such minerals as Chlorite, Hematite, or even Clay. On occasion heat can play a part, causing a phantom to be visible through a different color shade. Most often either Smoky or Amethyst can display these heat-induced types of Phantom.
The most powerful phantom configurations are termed as being 3D. This is where the substance has totally covered the entire termination, leaving a three-dimensional image of itself.
Phantom crystals are very good for helping us move past blockages, where we may have become “stuck.” The type of inclusion that makes up the phantom also plays a part in the gifts that these special crystals have to offer us. They can also be used to project growth and plan milestones.
Hold a Phantom Quartz and visualize/remember a traumatic time in your life that you may perceive as having stunted your growth. Now see yourself actually becoming stronger through this experience. Let that experience become a marker, a testament to your strength, growth and perfection in that moment. Now bring that perfection and strength forward to the present day. Give thanks to the Phantom Crystal in helping you change your perception and facilitating your self-healing!
Read more regarding Phantom Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….
These crystals are fantastic for teaching oneness, and tolerance for others whom we need to work with. Tantric Twin crystals are also very good for working through relationship issues with partners. If one of the tantric twin terminations is larger than the other – this signifies a crystal with a parent/child – student/teacher focus.
In order to utilize Tantric Twin Quartz properties, place the crystal between the two parties. Concentrate on opening ones heart and ears while communicating with the other party concerned. Another way to use the crystal is for each person to hold it while they are doing the talking. Tantric Twins are very helpful in guiding us to a balanced and fair resolution to just about any issue that can arise. Another gift these wonderful crystals have to share is tolerance, particularly towards those one needs to share space and resources with.
Meditating with a Tantric Twin Quartz crystal can help couples to understand that even though their journeys are connected, they have separate identities. So even though they may have different interests and ideals, they can still coexist in a unified and harmonious way – Two expanded halves make for a better balanced and harmonious “Whole”.
Tantric Twin Quartz crystals make for excellent partners in helping two people work together to achieve a common goal. The cohesive co-operative energy they emanate helps the manifestation progress. Tantric twin Quartz crystals are very receptive to duel input crystal programming and can easily handle different methods of receiving conscious intent from each of the human participants.
The flavor of the crystal a Tantric Twin forms in can have a profound effect as to the gifts that are provided. An Amethyst Tantric Twin brings a soothing calming, yet creative energy to the equation. Smoky Quartz brings harmonizing and grounding energy to conflicting emotions. Citrine brings boundless combined personal power, joy and creative manifestation energy. Clear Quartz brings balance, reason and a higher state of consciousness for both parties concerned.
Read more regarding Tantric Twin Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….
Window Quartz crystals do as their names would suggest, provide you with a window to look into – be that a window on events, emotional responses, or even a window to view information you may be needing to receive at the present time.
As you will see from the example photos below – Window Quartz crystals come in many shapes, flavors and configurations. The window itself – gives one a more in-depth look into these other quartz crystal types talents and gifts.
To use a Window Quartz crystal – sit quietly and meditate with it. Gaze into the window – try not to have any expectations as to what you may see or feel. This provides the crystal with the best chance of showing you what has previously been hidden from your view. These crystals have few peers when it comes to introspective personal self development.
Window Quartz crystals are master assistants for people wishing to delve deeper into clairvoyance, scrying, seeing, psychic readings and divination in general.
Read more regarding Window Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….
Time Link-Past windows have a focus on retrieving information from past lives – relevant to the present lifetime. These crystals also allow one to access any events and information from any time in the past – even if they are events not personally related. The crystal does this by hooking into the Akashic Records database. One may access this information by meditating with the crystal.
Another gift this crystal has to share – is the ability to see past issues experienced within this lifetime – with a fresh set of eyes and understanding. Sometimes we are so emotionally vested and caught up in circumstance – we lose “sight” of what is really happening. Quartz Time Link-Past crystals can take us back to that point in time, so we may get a better understanding of how scenarios really unfolded and how they came about. This understanding can often lead to the release of old non-serving emotions such as anger, resentment, bitterness and sorrow.
Read more regarding Time Link – Past Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….