Weight – 4.72 oz’s – 133.8 gm’s
Dimensions – 4.809″ x 1.434″ tall/wide (12.215 x 3.642 cm’s)
Country of Origin – Brazil
USD $39.00
SKU: P5470
This specimen is Rose Quartz, carved and polished into a Mother Mary. This particular piece is Light in color, but has different depths throughout the carving ! Rose Quartz is known to be a promoter of Love, how incredibly fitting for the sweetheart carving. Rose Quartz is the corner stone of any crystal healing collection. A must have! This stone is a very worthwhile addition to anyone’s collection. It has a wide variety of uses and comes in handy shapes, forms and tools!
In stock
Weight – 4.72 oz’s – 133.8 gm’s
Dimensions – 4.809″ x 1.434″ tall/wide (12.215 x 3.642 cm’s)
Country of Origin – Brazil
Rose Quartz is a Master Healer on many, many levels. It teaches us that everything is Love. You may place a Rose Quartz on your heart and imagine yourself breathing in the color, let your mind relax, and it can help show you the true situation behind the issues that trouble you. Through this understanding, you can release these issues. It is especially good for soothing babies. Keep a piece near their cot or bed at night or at other sleeping times. It makes for a powerful gridding crystal too. Place a piece at each corner of your property and if possible a piece in the middle and you will be amazed at the difference in energy you will feel. Rose Quartz forms mostly in massive (rock-like) form, but on rare occasion you can get it in crystalline form, which is superb for focused meditation and elixirs. I found the power of Rose Quartz the day I went on my first crystal course. Earlier, I had punctured my finger right on the tip, whereupon I noticed it all through the rest of the day. Once at the course we were asked to pick up a Rose Quartz and describe our feelings. Soon after I caught myself tapping my fingers on the table, and immediately realized I could no longer feel the puncture wound! I could not even find it! I did find it the next day, but no pain was to be felt whatsoever. This experience helped me get over the severe skepticism I had about the ability of crystals to heal! As an elixir, Rose Quartz cleanses and rejuvenates your kidneys. It also gives you a level of protection against background radiation.
Rose Quartz is the corner stone of any crystal healing collection. A must have! Read more regarding Rose Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)…. http://crystal-information.com/encyclopedia/rose-quartz/