Weight – 4.59 oz’s – 130 gm’s
Dimensions – 2.676″ x 1.993″ tall/long (6.797 x 5.062 cm’s)
Country of Origin – Kullu Valley, Himalayas, India
USD $25.00
SKU: Q4735
This Himalayan Quartz Cluster has good clarity with a nice and shiny luster as well as gorgeous subtle striations!! This crystal is in excellent condition. For the best view of the beautiful crystal please check out the video provided!
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Weight – 4.59 oz’s – 130 gm’s
Dimensions – 2.676″ x 1.993″ tall/long (6.797 x 5.062 cm’s)
Country of Origin – Kullu Valley, Himalayas, India
Himalayan Quartz is almost always gathered by hand due to impossible inaccessibility for machinery and heavy tools. Thus these ancient beautiful crystals are gathered by these gentle means – then transported carefully by pack mule on a seven day trek back to civilization. This gentle gathering can definitely be felt at an energetic level with Himalayan Quartz.
Himalayan Quartz crystals help one keep calm under pressure, and serene through the storms encountered in life. These crystals are fantastic to use for meditation sessions. As they most often form in clusters, they give great results within a group meditation scenario. Quartz from this region strongly amplify and radiate positive joyous uplifting energy! They help with keeping a positive disposition and as a result help one to shield themselves from negativity. With this in mind they are a good to use for crystal protection purposes.
These crystals have all the properties of Quartz. In addition, being in cluster form enables the crystal points’ combined energy to spread out, benefiting entire rooms. In the case of very large Quartz Clusters, whole houses and neighborhoods will benefit!
You may place other crystals carefully on clusters to charge them.
Quartz Clusters attract and enable you to use more life force energy. Have it around you, on you, or in elixir form, in you!
Quartz Clusters seek to bring balance on all our body levels.
Quartz has the ability to receive, store and send energy, which makes it a powerful manifestation tool. Hold/gaze into the crystal, and put your thought/need (what you wish to manifest) into it. The Quartz Cluster receives the thought (and the feeling behind the thought), then stores and transmits those thoughts and feelings into the ethers. Thus, even while you’re not thinking about that particular manifestation, the Quartz Cluster is still working on your behalf, putting out your thought forms.
This process has the effect of drawing your manifestation towards you at a much greater rate than before. They are Power tools, and you have to love ’em!
Many refer to this process as programming. Many books state that a crystal can hold only one program, but scientists have found a way to store terabytes of data into a single bubble that makes up the mist you see in the Quartz. My feeling is that Quartz crystals can in fact hold and run more programs than we could give in our lifetime!
Quartz is one of the most flexible crystal tools around. It is very responsive to our intent. What you intend is what you get! It is also one of the most powerful tools and should be treated as such.
Read more regarding Quartz Cluster Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….
Clear Quartz seeks to find balance wherever it is used. It has the ability to receive, store and transmit many different types of energy, including thought forms.
Clear Quartz enhances life force energy and makes it available for us to use in our everyday lives. It is the great harmonizer! Clear Quartz is a fantastic crystal to use for clearing blockages and is one of the easiest crystals with which to direct your conscious intent.
It works well with most other crystals and in a lot of cases will amplify the other mineral/crystal properties.
Clear Quartz has countless uses! With this in mind, a good idea is to meditate with one. Using your intuition and information gained from meditation will help you to zero in on that particular crystal’s best use for that particular time.
Read more regarding Clear Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….