Weight – 8.81 oz’s – 250 gm’s
Dimensions – 3.82″ x 2.36″ long/wide (9.7 x 6 cm’s)
Country of Origin – Colombia
USD $89.00
SKU: Q4233
This Colombian Quartz crystal features an aesthetic Isis termination face, has fantastic clarity, an incredible silver light luster and features nice Lemurian Seed striations as well as internal veils that cast rainbows inside!! Colombian Quartz has been tested as the most pure quartz in the world! This crystal is in excellent condition. Check out the video just above!
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Weight – 8.81 oz’s – 250 gm’s
Dimensions – 3.82″ x 2.36″ long/wide (9.7 x 6 cm’s)
Country of Origin – Colombia
Colombian Quartz crystals run at an amazingly high vibration – among the very highest in the Quartz World! Many have Lemurian Striated form and are highly sought after in the Lemurian Seed World of crystals. They help one seek the highest good and truth in all and any given situations. There is no room left for darkness when these amazing beings of light are used!
Colombian Quartz is also very effective for cleansing toxicity from the body, mind and spirit. These crystals are are great for strengthening the body’s immune system and have a strong focus on improving the respiratory system. This type of Quartz is good for practitioners that need to remain emotionally detached to get the best non biased information required to make an accurate diagnosis and course of action to take with their clients. They make for very powerful elixirs to really get a jump on the pre-mentioned properties.
Nearly all Colombian Quartz crystals are members of the Silver Light family, so all properties of those crystals are incorporated within these crystals as well. As with many recent finds these crystals have attracted all sorts of names and associated price hikes. In this authors opinion, these crystals that have such names are from the exact same source and have the exact same properties – the term “Caveat emptor – Let the buyer be aware” most certainly applies. Especially when these enlightened trademark holder$ are charging thousands of percent more for the same crystal!
Read more regarding Colombian Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….
Silver Light Quartz runs at one of the highest vibrations of all the quartz based families. Meditating with these crystals raises ones consciousness and brings clarity and balance into all aspects of life. This crystal helps one access the Akashic records, increases clairvoyance and psychic abilities. This is a crystal of reflection – It helps one reflect upon “relevant” lessons from past lives, and help to apply them to this life in a balanced light filled manner. Silver Light Quartz helps us seek and attain purity of thought, emotions and desires. These special crystals are masterful co-creators and are extremely willing partners for crystal programming, manifestation and conscious intent syles of work.
Silver Light Quartz forms in all sorts of Quartz Configurations – Laser Wands, Tabular, Clusters and many more. These Silver Light varieties may be considered as being the master crystals for their archetype. This crystal family inspires one to work with a strong sense of nobility and perform a great variety of selfless acts for the betterment of all.
Used in elixir form, Silver Light Quartz crystals assist in detoxification of the physical body. It amplifies all other elixirs it is used in conjunction with. This elixir raises consciousness to the highest possible elevation, helping one cut through the clutter of modern life, enabling one to focus on assisting the human race to raise and expand the general consciousness pool.
Silver Light Quartz crystals are quite rare. They are not always called Silver Light Quartz, so one needs to stay open and seek with pure hearts when searching for these special crystals
Read more Regarding Silver Light Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….
These crystals have horizontal striated lines running across every alternate side of the crystal, so one side, striated, one side smooth, the next side striated and so on.
Lemurian Quartz Crystals were used back in Ancient Lemuria days by advanced races of beings. Thus these crystals are very advanced and have a focus on high technology, DNA, and social engineering. These master healers assist in helping one get in touch with – and using intuition.
The striations themselves represent significant timelines in the history of human development. An example would be how current technology has moved from phonograph records, to cassette tapes, to cd’s to downloadable and streaming music. Each one of these advancements could be viewed as a single striated line on the crystal. Thus running your fingers over the crystal will connect you with time line events that each crystal has recorded. The crystal will impart its knowledge to you using this technique. As these crystals have a strong focus on intuition, it is completely natural and absolutely encouraged that one use their intuition in finding the best way for the individual to interface with this vast library of crystal information.
Lemurian Quartz crystals come from many different locations from all over the World. The Lemurian aspect has a special interaction with each variety of Quartz that it forms in. Smoky Quartz Lemurians help to ground their extremely high vibration into the mind, body and soul. The rare Citrine Quartz version has a focus on raising self esteem, and modifying DNA to handle living in the technical age. Clear Quartz Lemurians bring balance to the spiritual and emotional bodies, while helping one focus on creative and innovative solutions to any and all problems. Hematite Included Pink and Blood Red Lemurians help us maintain our connection with our Earth Mother, while also focusing/grounding our creative energies – boosting our physical energy to get on with and complete missions and projects. Especially ones that add to the betterment of all humanity as a whole.
Read more regarding Lemurian Seed Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….
Isis Quartz crystals have a strong focus on gentle nurturing. They have a very balancing effect on both male and female energies. They are named after the Egyptian Goddess Isis, and their energy is also associated with the nurturing nature of Mother Mary. The nurturing nature of these crystals is very helpful in healing emotional hurt and distress.
Isis Quartz crystals allow one to feel and show empathy for other peoples plights, yet not get caught up in their emotional turmoil helping one to become a rock in their storm.
Four sides of the Isis Quartz Crystal represent the four elements, Earth, Fire, Water and Wind. The 5th side represents ourselves. Meditating with an Isis crystal helps to bring one in balance with – and better integrate these elements into ones life.
Isis crystals form in most of the many different flavors and varieties of Quartz. The Isis element brings balance, and nurturing along with the energies of the four elements to these Quartz varieties.
Read more regarding Isis Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….
Rainbow Crystals are very good manifestation crystals – as they have all colors of the rainbow inside them. This means they stimulate every chakra, thus stimulating every creative level possible. The full spectrum of colors make it easier to bring these manifestations into physical reality.
A good manifesting meditation exercise to do with a rainbow crystal is to lie down – place the crystal on your solar plexus. Now using visualization – concentrate on breathing in each color through the crystal, then on wards through the solar plexus and into the chakra concerned. Start with red for the root chakra, orange for sacral, gold for solar plexus, green then pink for the heart, blue for the throat, purple for the third eye, and white light for the crown. Seven breaths for each chakra should suffice. Now you are attuned to the crystal and have activated the 7 chakras – you are ready to use conscious intent to place your manifestation wishes within the quartz using the crystal programming technique. Once you feel comfortable the crystal has received what you wish to manifest into your life – the crystal will go on radiating that program 24/7, vastly accelerating the manifestation process.
Rainbow Quartz Crystals come in all the different flavors and varieties of quartz. The rainbows help expand that crystals default properties. An example would be the default root chakra grounding properties of Smoky Quartz will be expanded to the rest of the chakras covered by that particular rainbows color spectrum. These higher energies generated by the rainbow will be grounded into each chakra by the Smoky Quartz grounding properties.
Read more regarding Rainbow Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….
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