Weight – 0.56 oz’s – 16 gm’s
Dimensions – 2.28″ x 1.46″ tall/wide (5.8 x 3.7 cm’s)
Country of Origin – Veracruz, Mexico
USD $33.00
SKU: A1132
This Amethyst Crystal Cluster from Veracruz Mexico features gorgeous lavender color with awesome form sporting striking striations and shining luster as well as Double Terminated points, plus a Scepter point!! This specimen is in excellent condition.
In stock
Weight – 0.56 oz’s – 16 gm’s
Dimensions – 2.28″ x 1.46″ tall/wide (5.8 x 3.7 cm’s)
Country of Origin – Veracruz, Mexico
Amethyst crystals make powerful visualization assistants and help to manifest these visualizations into 3D reality! When placed beside one’s head, Amethyst crystals are very good for drawing out EMF type radiation that generally gets stored in that part of the body. It is very good for keeping our mind in a balanced and soothed state. Amethyst likes to be cleansed in water/saltwater and Earth.
Amethyst works particularly well with Rose, Clear, Smoky, and Citrine Quartz. Amethyst also combines in a natural state with Citrine, this is called Ametrine.
Amethyst is a beautiful energy that brings to mind the term, still waters run deep. There is much more to this crystal than a mere glance may suggest!
It is one of the three “default” crystals I keep in my healing kit bag, along with Clear and Rose Quartz.
Note: Some Amethyst can and does fade under direct sunlight. With this in mind, it is best to play it safe and position Amethyst crystals with care.
Read more regarding Amethyst Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….
Amethyst Clusters make powerful visualization assistants and help to manifest these visualizations into 3D reality! Amethyst Clusters throw out their beautiful healing energy all around your home. They are great tools to be placed in the center of group meditations. Amethyst Clusters also make for excellent cleansing and charging stations for other crystals. When placed beside one’s head, they are very good for drawing out EMF style radiation that generally gets stored in that part of the human body. Amethyst likes to be cleansed in water/saltwater and earth.
Amethyst Clusters work particularly well with Rose, Clear, Smoky, and Citrine Quartz.
Read more regarding Amethyst Cluster Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….
This Amethyst runs at a higher vibration than most other varieties. It has a strong spiritual focus. Used on the third eye, it activates the pineal gland – connecting you with your higher self, while also bringing balance and conflict resolution between the left and right hand hemispheres of the brain.
Working with Vera Cruz Amethyst helps to accelerate ones personal and spiritual growth exponentially, while at the same time keeping you humble and aware that there is always more to learn on the spiritual journey of life.
The clarity, luster and Laser Wand focus this crystal projects makes it a good candidate to use for crystal protection purposes. Vera Cruz Amethyst helps people that have traditionally struggled to achieve meditative states. This crystal helps one attain and stay in the “Beta” state. This special variety of Amethyst activates the heart chakra promoting universal love within oneself bringing a deeper sense of appreciation of seemingly non-important every day activities.
Read more regarding Vera Cruz Amethyst Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….
These crystals are symbols of power. The energy flows to the heart (center) of everything.
They are energy powerhouses and command respect when using them.
A Quartz Scepter is a powerful manifesting crystal and must be used wisely. Make sure it is something you really want, or more importantly, actually need!
Quartz Scepter crystals help one with self-forgiveness.
Hold a scepter in your hand and imagine your body is the stem, your head is the crown. Feel your senses heighten. Feel your intelligence and spirituality expand. This is no ego trip. You are the Scepter, and they have no notion or concept of such trivialities as the human ego. This is serious expansion, on a level not for the faint of heart!
Feel your eyes and mind focus like burning hot lasers. Let your hearing and perceptive consciousness flood in and wash over you. Feel the power and energy of what is right and just course through your body. Revel and rejoice in the joy and harmony of balanced yet unlimited energy!
You are the Scepter. You are the Human. You are perfection within the one.
Read more regarding Scepter Quartz Crystal Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….
Double Terminated Quartz crystals have a termination at each end, thus the energy can flow in either direction and can be guided to do so via thought patterns.
They are also very useful to facilitate balance within any given energy fields. An example of this is where a root chakra may be overactive and the sacral chakra underactive. Place a Double Terminated Quartz crystal between them and the two chakras will self balance (in most cases).
These crystals are very exciting to hold between the palms of your hands and feel their energy running through and around your body.
Double Terminated Quartz crystals are also very useful tools for crystal grids and mandalas.
Read more regarding Double Terminated Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….