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Colombian Silver Light Future Link Shovel Quartz Crystal

USD $29.00

This Silver Light Colombian Shovel Quartz Crystal has fantastic clarity, an incredible silver light luster and beautiful subtle striations!! You can easily spot the shovel termination, along with babies, a time link to the future and even a self healed bottom. Colombian Quartz has been tested as the most pure quartz in the world! This crystal is in excellent condition.

Out of stock

Weight – 0.93 oz’s – 26.5 gm’s

Dimensions – 2.356″ x 0.886″ long/wide (5.985 x 2.251 cm’s)

Country of Origin – Colombia

Colombian Quartz

For what and How Does One Use it?

Colombian Quartz crystals run at an amazingly high vibration – among the very highest in the Quartz World! Many have Lemurian Striated form and are highly sought after in the Lemurian Seed World of crystals. They help one seek the highest good and truth in all and any given situations. There is no room left for darkness when these amazing beings of light are used!

Colombian Quartz is also very effective for cleansing toxicity from the body, mind and spirit. These crystals are are great for strengthening the body’s immune system and have a strong focus on improving the respiratory system. This type of Quartz is good for practitioners that need to remain emotionally detached to get the best non biased information required to make an accurate diagnosis and course of action to take with their clients. They make for very powerful elixirs to really get a jump on the pre-mentioned properties.

Nearly all Colombian Quartz crystals are members of the Silver Light family, so all properties of those crystals are incorporated within these crystals as well. As with many recent finds these crystals have attracted all sorts of names and associated price hikes. In this authors opinion, these crystals that have such names are from the exact same source and have the exact same properties – the term “Caveat emptor – Let the buyer be aware” most certainly applies. Especially when these enlightened trademark holder$ are charging thousands of percent more for the same crystal!

Read more regarding Colombian Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….

Silver Light Quartz

For what and How Does One Use it?

Silver Light Quartz runs at one of the highest vibrations of all the quartz based families. Meditating with these crystals raises ones consciousness and brings clarity and balance into all aspects of life. This crystal helps one access the Akashic records, increases clairvoyance and psychic abilities. This is a crystal of reflection – It helps one reflect upon “relevant” lessons from past lives, and help to apply them to this life in a balanced light filled manner. Silver Light Quartz helps us seek and attain purity of thought, emotions and desires. These special crystals are masterful co-creators and are extremely willing partners for crystal programming, manifestation and conscious intent syles of work.

Silver Light Quartz forms in all sorts of Quartz Configurations – Laser Wands, Tabular, Clusters and many more. These Silver Light varieties may be considered as being the master crystals for their archetype. This crystal family inspires one to work with a strong sense of nobility and perform a great variety of selfless acts for the betterment of all.

Used in elixir form, Silver Light Quartz crystals assist in detoxification of the physical body. It amplifies all other elixirs it is used in conjunction with. This elixir raises consciousness to the highest possible elevation, helping one cut through the clutter of modern life, enabling one to focus on assisting the human race to raise and expand the general consciousness pool.

Silver Light Quartz crystals are quite rare. They are not always called Silver Light Quartz, so one needs to stay open and seek with pure hearts when searching for these special crystals

Read more Regarding Silver Light Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….

Clear Quartz

For what and How Does One Use it?

Clear Quartz seeks to find balance wherever it is used. It has the ability to receive, store and transmit many different types of energy, including thought forms.

Clear Quartz enhances life force energy and makes it available for us to use in our everyday lives. It is the great harmonizer! Clear Quartz is a fantastic crystal to use for clearing blockages and is one of the easiest crystals with which to direct your conscious intent.

It works well with most other crystals and in a lot of cases will amplify the other mineral/crystal properties.

Clear Quartz has countless uses! With this in mind, a good idea is to meditate with one. Using your intuition and information gained from meditation will help you to zero in on that particular crystal’s best use for that particular time.

Read more regarding Clear Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….

Time Link-Future

For what and How Does One Use it?

Time Link-Future crystals have a focus on retrieving information from possible future realities relevant to the present lifetime. These crystals also allow one to access possible events and information from the future – even if they are events not personally related. The reason the word “possible” is used, is because the future can and often does change as one makes life changing decisions – altering the current future path.

When meditating with a Time Link-Future crystal, one may run possible future permutations by giving the crystal different life changing scenarios that you may be considering. You may give these scenarios to the crystal in any way you feel comfortable, be it projecting your thoughts into the crystal using conscious intent, or projecting via creative visualization. Verbalizing, or placing the crystal on images will all work just fine too – as will any other way one may think of in communicating their thoughts and intentions to the crystal.

Another gift Time Link-Future Quartz crystals have to share – is the ability to assist us in leaving a “stuck zone”. This zone is where one has become emotionally/spiritually/mentally stuck and mired in the past. Working through the use of meditation, conscious intent and/or crystal programming – this crystal works as an assistant in gently and consistently pushing you forward – helping you to break free from the mire. The crystal actively helps you resist going back to past unhelpful patterns. This crystal then used in elixir form – effectively turbo charges the entire process, helping to better ground the new programming into ones physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.

Read more regarding Time Link – Future Quartz Properties at the link below (will open in a new tab/window)….

Babies on the side, are “Mother” crystals that have multiple smaller crystals “Babies” on the side of it. Where as barnacle crystals have much smaller crystals, often without structured form on the side.
Both types of crystal signify a student teacher scenario. Both have kinds of crystal have much knowledge and information to share. This information can be accessed by using such techniques as meditation, sub conscious assimilation and so on.

These crystals also help one to “find themselves” and separate the inner self from external forces and energies that is in fact outside of oneself – and not part of “the whole”. The smaller barnacle/baby crystals represent external experiences, and the larger crystal represents our self. This helps to get perspective on what is truly important and who we really are, as against how external forces are impinging upon our reality, and are not really a part of who we actually are. This is not to say that the smaller crystals are representing something which does not serve or benefit us, as these experiences whether we perceive them to be good or otherwise are still an important part of our life experience. Well earned lessons that help us to move forward with confidence and surety.